
Adam P. Groza
Adam is a native Californian and has taught philosophy-related classes at a variety of institutions including California Baptist University, Tarleton State University, Scarborough College, and Korea Baptist Theological Seminary.
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Three Fatal Flaws in the “Gender as Social Construct” Position
Alex Hopper
Student | Master of Arts in Christian Counseling
Alex Hopper is a Master of Arts in Christian Counseling student and serves as part of the administrative staff at Gateway. She and her husband look to plant a church in the Bay Area in Fall of '22.
Recent Article
Pastoring During A Pandemic
Alexander Stewart
Vice President of Academic Services | Professor of New Testament Studies
Alex Stewart serves as vice president of academic services and professor of New Testament studies. Prior to Gateway, he served for eight years as a faculty member in New Testament at Tyndale Theological Seminary in the Netherlands.
Recent Article
Excerpt – Revelation, Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament
Allan Karr
Associate Director of the D.Min. Program | Professor of Leadership Formation
Allan Karr is a full-time professor of Leadership Formation and the Associate Director of the D.Min. Program. Since 1995, Karr and his family have been designing and experimenting with new concepts of community and training others to do so. In 2008, Karr founded Ethne Global Services, a humanitarian non-profit with an expanding footprint in many countries.
Recent Article
Dawson Trotman: The Navigators and the Discipleship Movement – An Excerpt
Beth Runkle
Gateway MTS '24
Author Beth Runkle has been married to her military man for twenty-five years. Faith in Christ dramatically transformed Beth from a bitter and reluctant military wife to one who embraced the community. Beth is called to encourage other women to intentionally pursue Christ in military life.
Recent Article
Excerpt — Another Move God?
Brian Orr
Pastor of Sovereign Way Christian Church
Brian J. Orr (PhD, London School of Theology) is a pastor at Sovereign Way Christian Church in Hesperia, California, and he is the author of the recently published book, A Classical Response to Relational Theism: A Reformed Evangelical Critique of Thomas Jay Oord’s Evangelical Process Theology.
Recent Article
Inseparable Operations
Carlos Pamplona
Writer | Ph.D. Student
Carlos Pamplona is a bilingual Mexican-American currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology at Gateway Seminary. His research focuses on the theological doctrine of adoption. In addition, he is a writer and speaker for Reasonable Truth.
Recent Article
The Trinity in Scripture
Chris Chun
Professor of Church History | Director, Jonathan Edwards Center
Dr. Chris Chun is the professor of Church History and the director of Jonathan Edwards Center at Gateway Seminary. Chris' doctoral research at St. Andrews University was focused on the eighteenth-century Edwardsean Baptists in Britain. He also has served as president of The Evangelical Theological Society (Far West Region).
Recent Article
Excerpt — The Complete Works of Andrew Fuller Volume 10: Apologetic Works
Chris Woznicki
Affiliate Instructor in Theology at Fuller Seminary, JEC Research Fellow
Recent Article
Owning Up to the Failures of our Theological Heroes
Conner Smith
Student | Master of Theological Studies
Conner Smith is pursuing a Master of Theological Studies degree at Gateway Seminary. He currently serves as lead pastor of Temple Baptist Church in Perris, CA.
Recent Article
Be Missional by Dreaming Small
Damaris Scrima
Student | MTS
Damaris Scrima holds a bachelor’s degree in Applied Theology from California Baptist University. She is currently pursuing a master’s in Theological Studies with a concentration in Biblical Studies at Gateway Seminary.
Recent Article
A Love for Scripture
Daniel M. Gurtner, Ph.D.
Professor of New Testament Studies
Dr. Gurtner has a passion for making Christ known through careful, deliberate, and worshipful study of the Bible, and training students to do the same.
Recent Article
The “Earliest Record of Jesus’ Childhood”: Clarifying some Recent Headlines
David Rathel
Associate Professor of Christian Theology
Dr. Rathel is the associate professor of Chrisitian Theology at Gateway Seminary. Prior to Gateway, Dr. Rathel supplied pastoral care to churches in the United States and Scotland, served as an Adjunct Professor of Theology and Philosophy for the Baptist College of Florida, and provided teaching assistance for the University of St Andrews.
Recent Article
Author’s Perspective: Andrew Fuller and the Search for a Faith Worthy of All Acceptation
Debbie Steele
Professor of Christian Counseling
Dr. Debbie Steele is Professor of Christian Counseling at Gateway Seminary. Prior to Gateway, she was employed by the International Mission Board as an overseas missionary, serving for 12 years in the former Yugoslavia during the civil war, which lasted from 1988-2000. Since 2004, she has operated a private practice as a licensed marriage and family therapist, providing Emotionally-Focused Therapy and Bible-based counseling to the local community.
Recent Article
Grieving Together
DJ Jenkins
Pastor of Anthology Church in Studio City
DJ is the pastor of Anthology Church in Studio City. After graduating with a BS in biology, DJ spent 9 years working with Cru - a national college parachurch ministry before moving to Studio City to plant Anthology Church with his wife. DJ received his Master of Divinity from Gateway Seminary in 2020.
Recent Article
Pastor D.J. Jenkins
Dwayne Ulmer
Professor of Educational Leadership
Dr. Dwayne Ulmer is professor of educational leadership at Gateway Seminary. Prior to his faculty appointment at Gateway, his academic career involved a part-time Christian Education and Leadership professorship at SBTS and becoming the assistant professor of leadership at Dallas Baptist University shortly after.
Recent Article
Teaching Within the Context of the Unknown
Eddie Pate
Director, Kim School of Global Missions | Professor of Evangelism
Eddie Pate, professor of evangelism and director of the David and Faith Kim School of Global Missions, has been associated with Gateway in one way or another since 2005. Dr. Pate and his family served in Jordan and Sudan for over a decade. Eddie served as the senior pastor of the First Baptist Church, Barstow California from 1986-1993 and again from 2012 to 2021.
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Eric Espinoza
Student | PhD
Eric Espinoza is a PhD candidate at Gateway Seminary. Prior to pursuing the PhD, he graduated with his Master of Theology and Master of Divinity. His research interests include Apocalypticism in Matthew, the reception of Isaiah, Daniel, and Septuagint studies. He currently serves as the research assistant to the president at Gateway Seminary.
Recent Article
The Apostles & The Septuagint
Ikaika and Stacey Higa
Church Planters | Hamama Community Church
Ikaika was raised on Maui while his wife, Stacey grew up in Indiana. They met at Gateway Seminary when it was in San Francisco; and both shared a desire to tell others about Jesus in ways that speak to their hearts.
Recent Article
Followers of Jesus, Ohana in Practice
Jeff Iorg
President Emeritus
Dr. Jeff Iorg is the president emeritus of Gateway Seminary. Prior to his service at the Seminary, Dr. Iorg was the Executive Director of the Northwest Baptist Convention for almost ten years. He was also the founding pastor of Greater Gresham Baptist Church in Gresham, Oregon, and has served as a pastor in Missouri and a staff pastor in Texas.
Recent Article
Thank You and Goodbye
Jesse Harris
PhD Student at Gateway
Jesse is a PhD candidate in Biblical Studies with a focus in Old Testament. His passion is serving and equipping the church both locally and abroad.
Recent Article
Fears & Cheers: The Leader They Want or The Leader They Need
James L. Wilson
Director, Doctor of Ministry Program | Professor of Leadership Formation
Dr. Jim Wilson serves as the Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program and the professor of leadership formation since 2006. Dr. Wilson has continued to serve the local church as an Interim Pastor, Transitional Pastor, Teaching Pastor, and guest speaker. He is a frequent speaker at conferences, seminars, retreats and does some International speaking.
Recent Article
Illustrating Well – An Excerpt
Joseph J. Kim
Associate Professor of Intercultural Education
Dr. Joseph Kim is the associate professor of intercultural education at Gateway Seminary. Since 1994, Dr. Kim has been teaching in the areas of intercultural studies, leadership skills formation, and educational leadership. He has served as the English Ministry pastor at various Korean-American churches since 1990.
Recent Article
A Guide to Food in Southern California
John W. Taylor
Director, Academic Graduate Studies Program | Chair, Biblical Studies | Professor of New Testament
Dr. John Taylor serves as chair of biblical studies and professor of New Testament at Gateway Seminary. Dr. Taylor earned a Ph.D. in New Testament Studies at the University of Cambridge with a research interest in Pauline Studies.
Recent Article
The Lord’s Dinner
John Varghese
Alumni 2023
John Varghese graduated in 2023 with a Master of Theological Studies.
Recent Article
The Missional Obligation
Jonathan Jarboe
President, Baptist Foundation of California
Jonathan W. Jarboe is the president of the Baptist Foundation of California. Prior to his presidency, Jarboe served as Senior Pastor of Pathway Church in Redlands, California from 1999 until 2018.
Recent Article
Ministry For The Long Haul
Jonathan McCormick
Director of Library Services | Associate Professor of Theological Research
Dr. Jonathan McCormick’s dissertation examined the tradition of confessions of faith among Baptists in the United States through the 1925 Baptist Faith and Message.
Recent Article
Who Were the Danbury Baptists?
Dr. Joni Lum serves as an adjunct professor of children's ministry at Gateway Seminary. She also currently serves as the Children's minister at Magnolia Church in Riverside, CA.
Recent Article
Teaching Young Parents
Jon Limm
Associate Pastor at Sycamore Hill Church
Jon Limm serves as an Associate Pastor at Sycamore Hill Church in Delaware. He is a recent Gateway graduate with a Master's in Theological Studies.
Recent Article
The Sound of Groaning: A Reflection on Romans 8:18-30
Jon Varner
Lead Pastor
Jon Varner is the lead pastor at Valley View Christian Church in Kent, Washington.
Recent Article
Comfort Twice Over
Joshua Navarro
Student | Doctor of Philosophy
Joshua is a current Ph.D. candidate at Gateway Seminary studying New Testament studies. He also serves as a regional administrator for Send Network.
Recent Article
Inheritance & Glory: Our Vocation 
Joshua Ray is co-director of music ministry at his church and associate government program analyst for the state of California. He earned a master of divinity from Gateway Seminary in 2017 and a BA in literature from CSULB in 2010.
Recent Article
Laundry of Love
J.T. served as the associate director of the doctor of ministry program and professor of leadership formation. As retired faculty, he continues to teach as senior professor of leadership formation. While pastoring he earned a M.Div., Th.M. and D.Min. from Gateway.
Recent Article
Terminally Missional
Julie Goodman-Bowling
Associate Professor of Anthropology, Chair, Department of Undergraduate Family & Culture at California Baptist University
Julie Goodman-Bowling (Ph.D., University of Nevada, Reno) serves as associate professor of anthropology, the chair of division family & culture, and program coordinator of the anthropology major at California Baptist University. A cultural anthropologist, her experience includes travels to Paraguay, Ukraine, Israel, Mexico and migrant communities in the U.S.
Recent Article
The Struggle is Real: The Power of Culture 
Kelly Womack
Trustee at Gateway Seminary
Kelly Womack lives in Fort Smith, Arkansas with her husband and sons. She earned a MDiv from Gateway Seminary in 2003.
Recent Article
To Live Biblically – My Family
Kristen Ferguson
Vice President of Enrollment and Student Services | Associate Professor of Educational Leadership
Dr. Kristen Ferguson serves as the vice president of enrollment and student services and associate professor of educational leadership at Gateway Seminary. Her doctoral research at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary investigated evangelical faculty perceptions on online theological education. Her continued research focuses on online course design, blended learning, and online teaching best practices.
Recent Article
Personal Timeline Lessons of Ministry Leaders
Mark Bradley
Director, Pacific Northwest Campus | Associate Professor of Leadership Formation
While serving as an associate professor of Leadership Formation, Dr. Mark Bradley is a Northwest native and first-generation Southern Baptist. He began his MDiv studies at the Pacific Northwest Campus the day after he was elected pastor of Beavercreek Baptist Church in Oregon, in 1981. He returned to Gateway as director of the PNWC in January 2010
Recent Article
Pastoral Care in the Time of Coronavirus
Mike Kirby
Professor of Computer Science, University of Utah
Mike Kirby is a professor of computer science within the Kahlert School of Computing at the University of Utah.
Recent Article
The Advancement of Technology is Not Towards Heaven
Mike Kuykendall
Professor of New Testament Studies
Dr. Michael Kuykendall has been teaching for Gateway Seminary since 1989. A former pastor, he maintains a regular preaching and teaching schedule for local churches in the Pacific Northwest.
Recent Article
Two Tips for Teaching Revelation
Natalie Hernandez
Gateway Student
Natalie Hernandez is a current MDiv student at Gateway, and has served in various volunteer roles at her church, Cosecha, in Riverside, CA, over the past 10 years.
Recent Article
When God Works Before Your Very Eyes
Paul G. Kelly
Chair, Educational Leadership | Professor of Educational Leadership
Dr. Paul Kelly began his service at Gateway Seminary in Fall 2009 as the chair and professor of Educational Leadership. Prior to Gateway, Kelly served as vice president of ministry resources at Student Life Publishing, editor-in-chief of discipleship resources in Student Ministry Publishing at LifeWay Christian Resources, as well as a youth specialist in Discipleship at LifeWay.
Recent Article
Being Young: A Biblical Theology of Youth – An Excerpt
Paul D. Wegner
Distinguished Professor of Old Testament Studies
Dr. Paul Wegner serves as the distinguished professor of Old Testament Studies at Gateway. Paul attended Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois where he majored in pastoral training and completed two degrees at Trinity Divinity School. For his doctoral studies, Paul graduated from Kings College, University of London in 1991.
Recent Article
Study Isaiah | Video
Philip O. Hopkins
Associate Professor of Church History
Philip O. Hopkins is the associate professor of Church history at Gateway Seminary. He earned Ph.D. in applied theology from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and a second Ph.D. in Iranian history from the University of St. Andrews (Scotland). He is also a research fellow for the Institute of Iranian Studies at the University of St. Andrews, guest lecturer at Russian-Armenian University in Yerevan, Armenia, and part of the editorial board for Iran and the Caucasus (Brill).
Recent Article
Excerpt – John Piper, Calvinism, and Missions: A Way Forward
Rebecca Lee
Cross-Cultural Worker
Rebecca earned her MAIS at Gateway Seminary in 2021. She has been preparing to move overseas and will begin cross-cultural work with the IMB.
Recent Article
Missional Living is Obedient Living
Rodrick K. Durst
Chair, History/Theological Studies | Professor of Historical Theology
Dr. Rodrick Durst has served as Professor of Historical Theology and a variety of administration roles at Gateway Seminary since 1991. His current research includes a study of emerging church movements, ecclesiology for rapid cell and simple church multiplication, new paths for apologetics, single adults in the church, and faith and film.
Recent Article
Diplomatic Gift Exchanges and Panda Diplomacies
Robb Torseth
Public Service Librarian & Adjunct Professor at Gateway Seminary
Recent Article
Theology the Norwegian Way: The Curious Case of Gisle Johnson
Ryan Rindels
Pastor of Bell Road Baptist Church in Auburn
Pastor Ryan Rindels resides with his wife Janai in Auburn, CA. Ryan received his Master of Divinity in 2014 and recently completed his Ph.D. in Theology from Gateway Seminary.
Recent Article
Raised to Life: A Seventeenth-Century Baptism Miracle  
Sang Boo
Pastor of Canvas Ministry, Good Community Church of Torrance
Pastor Sang joined Good Community Church in June 2014. He earned two degrees from Gateway Seminary: the MDiv in 2009 and the PhD in 2017.
Recent Article
Walking by Faith
Stephen Feinstein serves as a preaching pastor at Sovereign Way Christian Church in Hesperia, California, a church he planted in 2010. He authored the book We Destroy Arguments in 2015, a book semi-popular among Presuppositional apologists.
Recent Article
Biblical Mindset for Evangelism
Tyler Sanders
Director of Communications
Tyler Sanders is director of communications at Gateway Seminary. He is an avid fan of Ole Miss football, a Gateway alum, and has been known to, from time to time, hold down a funky bass line.
Recent Article
The Incarcerated Church