Kelly Womack

Trustee at Gateway Seminary

Kelly Womack lives in Fort Smith, Arkansas with her husband, Wayne, and sons, Micah and Gabe. She earned a Master of Divinity degree from Gateway Seminary in 2003. She currently serves on the Board of Trustees for Gateway Seminary.

To Live Biblically – My Family

My oldest son, Micah, has Tuberous Sclerosis Complex, a neurological disorder he was diagnosed with at 5 months of age. He is non-verbal, cognitively around 3-4 years old, and has some significant behavioral issues.

Kelly Womack
Trustee at Gateway Seminary
Kelly Womack lives in Fort Smith, Arkansas with her husband and sons. She earned a MDiv from Gateway Seminary in 2003.

Choosing Worship This Christmas

Gateway alum Kelly Womack finds what prepares her heart for the Christmas season the most, is the music.

Kelly Womack
Trustee at Gateway Seminary
Kelly Womack lives in Fort Smith, Arkansas with her husband and sons. She earned a MDiv from Gateway Seminary in 2003.