Maximizing Prayer Time

Sometimes prayer during bible studies can consume almost all of the lesson time. Dr. Ferguson provides ways to create meaningful prayer while preserving ample time for the study of scripture.

Kristen Ferguson
Vice President of Enrollment and Student Services | Associate Professor of Educational Leadership
Dr. Kristen Ferguson serves as the vice president of enrollment and student services and associate professor of educational leadership at Gateway Seminary. Her doctoral research at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary investigated evangelical faculty perceptions on online theological education. Her continued research focuses on online course design, blended learning, and online teaching best practices.

When Your Group Members are Hurting

Bible teachers will inevitably run into group members dealing with immense grief. Dr. Kelly gives suggestions on how to approach hurting members.

Paul G. Kelly
Chair, Educational Leadership | Professor of Educational Leadership
Dr. Paul Kelly began his service at Gateway Seminary in Fall 2009 as the chair and professor of Educational Leadership. Prior to Gateway, Kelly served as vice president of ministry resources at Student Life Publishing, editor-in-chief of discipleship resources in Student Ministry Publishing at LifeWay Christian Resources, as well as a youth specialist in Discipleship at LifeWay.

How to Get the Most out of Biblical Characters

Many bible teachers use lessons about our favorite biblical characters in unhelpful ways. Dr. Ferguson lists five principles that teachers can apply to get the most out of studying people in scripture.

Kristen Ferguson
Vice President of Enrollment and Student Services | Associate Professor of Educational Leadership
Dr. Kristen Ferguson serves as the vice president of enrollment and student services and associate professor of educational leadership at Gateway Seminary. Her doctoral research at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary investigated evangelical faculty perceptions on online theological education. Her continued research focuses on online course design, blended learning, and online teaching best practices.

Teaching Within the Context of the Unknown

Acquisition of new information causes a state of 'cognitive disequilibrium' - a mental discomfort felt when adjusting to new knowledge unaccustomed to how we think. Dr. Dwayne Ulmer applies this concept to bible teaching that promotes growth for Christian learners.

Dwayne Ulmer
Professor of Educational Leadership
Dr. Dwayne Ulmer is professor of educational leadership at Gateway Seminary. Prior to his faculty appointment at Gateway, his academic career involved a part-time Christian Education and Leadership professorship at SBTS and becoming the assistant professor of leadership at Dallas Baptist University shortly after.

Other Activities For Adult Learners

Varied structures for teaching can reap benefits for adult learners. Dr. Ferguson suggests going beyond the traditional sermon structure and incorporating creative teaching methods.

Kristen Ferguson
Vice President of Enrollment and Student Services | Associate Professor of Educational Leadership
Dr. Kristen Ferguson serves as the vice president of enrollment and student services and associate professor of educational leadership at Gateway Seminary. Her doctoral research at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary investigated evangelical faculty perceptions on online theological education. Her continued research focuses on online course design, blended learning, and online teaching best practices.

Growing as a Bible Teacher

A bible teacher must continually grow in making scripture clear for others. Dr. Kelly provides ways to develop as a teacher of God's Word.

Paul G. Kelly
Chair, Educational Leadership | Professor of Educational Leadership
Dr. Paul Kelly began his service at Gateway Seminary in Fall 2009 as the chair and professor of Educational Leadership. Prior to Gateway, Kelly served as vice president of ministry resources at Student Life Publishing, editor-in-chief of discipleship resources in Student Ministry Publishing at LifeWay Christian Resources, as well as a youth specialist in Discipleship at LifeWay.