
Excerpt – Revelation, Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament

Read this excerpt from Alex Stewart's new publication in the EGGNT series on Revelation.

Alexander Stewart
Vice President of Academic Services | Professor of New Testament Studies
Alex Stewart serves as vice president of academic services and professor of New Testament studies. Prior to Gateway, he served for eight years as a faculty member in New Testament at Tyndale Theological Seminary in the Netherlands.

Reading the Book of Revelation – An Excerpt

Dr. Alex Stewart provides five main hermeneutical principles in his new book, Reading the Book of Revelation, to help properly read, exegete and understand this apocalyptic text. You can find an excerpt of his most recent publication here.

Alexander Stewart
Vice President of Academic Services | Professor of New Testament Studies
Alex Stewart serves as vice president of academic services and professor of New Testament studies. Prior to Gateway, he served for eight years as a faculty member in New Testament at Tyndale Theological Seminary in the Netherlands.