Go Grants

Dr. Iorg announces an exciting new initiative for Gateway Seminary.

Jeff Iorg
Dr. Jeff Iorg is the president of Gateway Seminary. Prior to his service at the Seminary, Dr. Iorg was the Executive Director of the Northwest Baptist Convention for almost ten years. He was also the founding pastor of Greater Gresham Baptist Church in Gresham, Oregon, and has served as a pastor in Missouri and a staff pastor in Texas.

Send Relief to Turkey

Dr. Iorg encourages you to help support relief work in Turkey.

Jeff Iorg
Dr. Jeff Iorg is the president of Gateway Seminary. Prior to his service at the Seminary, Dr. Iorg was the Executive Director of the Northwest Baptist Convention for almost ten years. He was also the founding pastor of Greater Gresham Baptist Church in Gresham, Oregon, and has served as a pastor in Missouri and a staff pastor in Texas.

Biblical Mindset for Evangelism

The culture war tempts us to think of the lost as enemies to be opposed rather than blind captives in need of emancipation.

Stephen Feinstein serves as a preaching pastor at Sovereign Way Christian Church in Hesperia, California, a church he planted in 2010. He authored the book We Destroy Arguments in 2015, a book semi-popular among Presuppositional apologists.

A Low View of Pastors

Dr. Iorg discusses low pastoral trust and how pastors can earn back that trust moving forward.

Jeff Iorg
Dr. Jeff Iorg is the president of Gateway Seminary. Prior to his service at the Seminary, Dr. Iorg was the Executive Director of the Northwest Baptist Convention for almost ten years. He was also the founding pastor of Greater Gresham Baptist Church in Gresham, Oregon, and has served as a pastor in Missouri and a staff pastor in Texas.

Understanding a Mother’s Heart

The portrayal of self-sacrificing love of the mother in 1 Kings 3 provides a glimpse of the greater love of the heavenly Father.

Paul D. Wegner
Distinguished Professor of Old Testament Studies
Dr. Paul Wegner serves as the distinguished professor of Old Testament Studies at Gateway. Paul attended Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois where he majored in pastoral training and completed two degrees at Trinity Divinity School. For his doctoral studies, Paul graduated from Kings College, University of London in 1991.

Estate Planning

Since an individual's wise financial planning has recently blessed Gateweay in a significant way, Dr. Iorg encourages others to do likewise by considering an estate plan through the Baptist Foundation of California.

Jeff Iorg
Dr. Jeff Iorg is the president of Gateway Seminary. Prior to his service at the Seminary, Dr. Iorg was the Executive Director of the Northwest Baptist Convention for almost ten years. He was also the founding pastor of Greater Gresham Baptist Church in Gresham, Oregon, and has served as a pastor in Missouri and a staff pastor in Texas.

The Trinity in Scripture

Is the doctrine of the Trinity found in the Scriptures? The answer to this question is vital.

Carlos Pamplona
Writer | Ph.D. Student
Carlos Pamplona is a bilingual Mexican-American currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology at Gateway Seminary. His research focuses on the theological doctrine of adoption. In addition, he is a writer and speaker for Reasonable Truth.

When Words Fail

Dr. Iorg responds to the Tyre Nichols tragedy and commends the response of the Nichols family.

Jeff Iorg
Dr. Jeff Iorg is the president of Gateway Seminary. Prior to his service at the Seminary, Dr. Iorg was the Executive Director of the Northwest Baptist Convention for almost ten years. He was also the founding pastor of Greater Gresham Baptist Church in Gresham, Oregon, and has served as a pastor in Missouri and a staff pastor in Texas.

Relationships Matter: Confirmed Again

Dr. Iorg reaffirms the importance of relationships and asks the church to make three choices to promote healthy community.

Jeff Iorg
Dr. Jeff Iorg is the president of Gateway Seminary. Prior to his service at the Seminary, Dr. Iorg was the Executive Director of the Northwest Baptist Convention for almost ten years. He was also the founding pastor of Greater Gresham Baptist Church in Gresham, Oregon, and has served as a pastor in Missouri and a staff pastor in Texas.

Forgiveness, Restoration, and Pastoral Integrity

Forgiveness, restoration, and pastoral integrity are pressing issues in our generation – as they have been throughout history and will be in the future. Yet, as believers, our commitment to robust church fellowship demands we do this hard work.

Jeff Iorg
Dr. Jeff Iorg is the president of Gateway Seminary. Prior to his service at the Seminary, Dr. Iorg was the Executive Director of the Northwest Baptist Convention for almost ten years. He was also the founding pastor of Greater Gresham Baptist Church in Gresham, Oregon, and has served as a pastor in Missouri and a staff pastor in Texas.