
Engage in hermeneutics, dogmatics, church history, and theology to deepen your understanding of the Triune God.

Jonathan Edwards and the Baptists | Douglas Sweeney, Nathan Finn and Chris Chun

Dr. Douglas Sweeney and Dr. Nathan Finn joined Dr. Chris Chun for a panel discussion on Jonathan Edwards, recorded live at the SBC Annual Meeting in Anaheim.

Chris Chun
Professor of Church History | Director, Jonathan Edwards Center
Dr. Chris Chun is the professor of Church History and the director of Jonathan Edwards Center at Gateway Seminary. Chris' doctoral research at St. Andrews University was focused on the eighteenth-century Edwardsean Baptists in Britain. He also has served as president of The Evangelical Theological Society (Far West Region).

Isaiah, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries – An Excerpt

Dr. Paul Wegner's Isaiah Commentary with Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries provides all students of biblical interpretation with a deeper and nuanced resource for deeper study of this prophetic book. You can find an excerpt of his new publication here.

Paul D. Wegner
Distinguished Professor of Old Testament Studies
Dr. Paul Wegner serves as the distinguished professor of Old Testament Studies at Gateway. Paul attended Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois where he majored in pastoral training and completed two degrees at Trinity Divinity School. For his doctoral studies, Paul graduated from Kings College, University of London in 1991.

The Doctrine of the Trinity: An Introduction

Carlos Pamplona provides a thorough introduction to Trinitarian doctrine and advocates for its practicality in Christian ministry.

Carlos Pamplona
Writer | Ph.D. Student
Carlos Pamplona is a bilingual Mexican-American currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology at Gateway Seminary. His research focuses on the theological doctrine of adoption. In addition, he is a writer and speaker for Reasonable Truth.

Inseparable Operations

The triune God has life in Himself. Dr. Brian Orr provides an excerpt from one of his sermons on John 5 that explains God's aseity and inseparable operations.

Brian Orr
Pastor of Sovereign Way Christian Church
Brian J. Orr (PhD, London School of Theology) is a pastor at Sovereign Way Christian Church in Hesperia, California, and he is the author of the recently published book, A Classical Response to Relational Theism: A Reformed Evangelical Critique of Thomas Jay Oord’s Evangelical Process Theology.

Manichean Echoes

Heresy ran rampant during the first few years of the early church. Ryan Rindels finds echoes of the same doctrinal adversaries in today's era.

Ryan Rindels
Pastor of Bell Road Baptist Church in Auburn
Pastor Ryan Rindels resides with his wife Janai in Auburn, CA. Ryan received his Master of Divinity in 2014 and recently completed his Ph.D. in Theology from Gateway Seminary.

Spirituality of Jonathan Edwards | JEC at Gateway Seminary

Dr. Chris Chun hosted a digital symposium with Dr. Michael Haykin and Dr. Robert Caldwell to discuss Edwards' spirituality, devotional life and theological impact in American Christianity.

Chris Chun
Professor of Church History | Director, Jonathan Edwards Center
Dr. Chris Chun is the professor of Church History and the director of Jonathan Edwards Center at Gateway Seminary. Chris' doctoral research at St. Andrews University was focused on the eighteenth-century Edwardsean Baptists in Britain. He also has served as president of The Evangelical Theological Society (Far West Region).

Faculty Dialogues: Dispensationalism or Not

In this episode of Faculty Dialogues, Dr. David Rathel and Dr. Paul Wegner held a live discussion on their views on dispensationalism.

David Rathel
Associate Professor of Christian Theology
Dr. Rathel is the associate professor of Chrisitian Theology at Gateway Seminary. Prior to Gateway, Dr. Rathel supplied pastoral care to churches in the United States and Scotland, served as an Adjunct Professor of Theology and Philosophy for the Baptist College of Florida, and provided teaching assistance for the University of St Andrews.

Faculty Dialogues: Christology

In this episode of the Faculty Dialogues, Dr. David Rathel and Dr. Rick Durst have a candid and enlightening conversation on Christology.

Rodrick K. Durst
Chair, History/Theological Studies | Professor of Historical Theology
Dr. Rodrick Durst has served as Professor of Historical Theology and a variety of administration roles at Gateway Seminary since 1991. His current research includes a study of emerging church movements, ecclesiology for rapid cell and simple church multiplication, new paths for apologetics, single adults in the church, and faith and film.

Faculty Dialogues: Providence, Prayer & Evil

In this episode, Gateway faculty from the department of theology discuss integral doctrines of providence, prayer and evil.

David Rathel
Associate Professor of Christian Theology
Dr. Rathel is the associate professor of Chrisitian Theology at Gateway Seminary. Prior to Gateway, Dr. Rathel supplied pastoral care to churches in the United States and Scotland, served as an Adjunct Professor of Theology and Philosophy for the Baptist College of Florida, and provided teaching assistance for the University of St Andrews.

Armenian Christianity in Iran

Dr. Hopkins gives an overview of the historical development of the Armenian Christian population in Iran throughout the years and explains the significance of their presence in the country.

Philip O. Hopkins
Associate Professor of Church History
Philip O. Hopkins is the associate professor of Church history at Gateway Seminary. He earned Ph.D. in applied theology from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and a second Ph.D. in Iranian history from the University of St. Andrews (Scotland). He is also a research fellow for the Institute of Iranian Studies at the University of St. Andrews, guest lecturer at Russian-Armenian University in Yerevan, Armenia, and part of the editorial board for Iran and the Caucasus (Brill).