Bringing People to Jesus

The Lord uses everyday Christians to bring people to Jesus.

Jeff Iorg
President Emeritus
Dr. Jeff Iorg is the president emeritus of Gateway Seminary. Prior to his service at the Seminary, Dr. Iorg was the Executive Director of the Northwest Baptist Convention for almost ten years. He was also the founding pastor of Greater Gresham Baptist Church in Gresham, Oregon, and has served as a pastor in Missouri and a staff pastor in Texas.

A Rose by Any Other Name

No matter what people call it, evangelism will always be about communicating the gospel to unbelievers.

Jeff Iorg
President Emeritus
Dr. Jeff Iorg is the president emeritus of Gateway Seminary. Prior to his service at the Seminary, Dr. Iorg was the Executive Director of the Northwest Baptist Convention for almost ten years. He was also the founding pastor of Greater Gresham Baptist Church in Gresham, Oregon, and has served as a pastor in Missouri and a staff pastor in Texas.

A Spiritual Virus

Dr. Iorg emphasizes the effectiveness of personal evangelism.

Jeff Iorg
President Emeritus
Dr. Jeff Iorg is the president emeritus of Gateway Seminary. Prior to his service at the Seminary, Dr. Iorg was the Executive Director of the Northwest Baptist Convention for almost ten years. He was also the founding pastor of Greater Gresham Baptist Church in Gresham, Oregon, and has served as a pastor in Missouri and a staff pastor in Texas.

The Missional Obligation

Recent Gateway alum John Varghese reflects on the Beyond Trip to Panama City this past spring break.

John Varghese
Alumni 2023
John Varghese graduated in 2023 with a Master of Theological Studies.

Finding Fulfillment

Dr. Iorg discusses the fulfilling experience of communicating the Gospel.

Jeff Iorg
President Emeritus
Dr. Jeff Iorg is the president emeritus of Gateway Seminary. Prior to his service at the Seminary, Dr. Iorg was the Executive Director of the Northwest Baptist Convention for almost ten years. He was also the founding pastor of Greater Gresham Baptist Church in Gresham, Oregon, and has served as a pastor in Missouri and a staff pastor in Texas.

A Baptist Faith-Healing?

While Calvinistic Baptists have been associated with cessationism—the belief that the miraculous events such as those found in the book of Acts ceased after the first century—the tradition’s past holds a few surprises.

Ryan Rindels
Pastor of Bell Road Baptist Church in Auburn
Pastor Ryan Rindels resides with his wife Janai in Auburn, CA. Ryan received his Master of Divinity in 2014 and recently completed his Ph.D. in Theology from Gateway Seminary.

Study Isaiah | Video

The Study Isaiah podcast is now available in video format - watch here!

Paul D. Wegner
Distinguished Professor of Old Testament Studies
Dr. Paul Wegner serves as the distinguished professor of Old Testament Studies at Gateway. Paul attended Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois where he majored in pastoral training and completed two degrees at Trinity Divinity School. For his doctoral studies, Paul graduated from Kings College, University of London in 1991.

Caring for Missionaries

Dr. Iorg discusses the importance of IMB missionaries and the challenges they face on the field.

Jeff Iorg
President Emeritus
Dr. Jeff Iorg is the president emeritus of Gateway Seminary. Prior to his service at the Seminary, Dr. Iorg was the Executive Director of the Northwest Baptist Convention for almost ten years. He was also the founding pastor of Greater Gresham Baptist Church in Gresham, Oregon, and has served as a pastor in Missouri and a staff pastor in Texas.

Father’s Day

Dr. Iorg discusses some of the blessings and challenges of being a father.

Jeff Iorg
President Emeritus
Dr. Jeff Iorg is the president emeritus of Gateway Seminary. Prior to his service at the Seminary, Dr. Iorg was the Executive Director of the Northwest Baptist Convention for almost ten years. He was also the founding pastor of Greater Gresham Baptist Church in Gresham, Oregon, and has served as a pastor in Missouri and a staff pastor in Texas.

The Boring Seminary

Dr. Iorg reemphasizes the importance of maintaining a focus on sharing the gospel and global missions.

Jeff Iorg
President Emeritus
Dr. Jeff Iorg is the president emeritus of Gateway Seminary. Prior to his service at the Seminary, Dr. Iorg was the Executive Director of the Northwest Baptist Convention for almost ten years. He was also the founding pastor of Greater Gresham Baptist Church in Gresham, Oregon, and has served as a pastor in Missouri and a staff pastor in Texas.