Lead On Podcast
February 4, 2018

Moral purity for ministry leaders

Sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual perversity are permeating our culture and occupying our attention. In this chapel sermon, Dr. Iorg provides three principles to help you maintain your moral purity as you move forward in Christian leadership.
Lead On Podcast
January 27, 2018

Parenting in Ministry Part 2

Focus on forming mature adults, not mature adolescents. Your ultimate parenting goal should be to grow emotionally healthy, socially mature, independent adults.
Lead On Podcast
January 22, 2018

Parenting in Ministry Part 1

Ministry families are you unique, but not as unique as you may think. Everything you preach and teach other parents, should apply to yourself.
Lead On Podcast
January 13, 2018

Developing Leaders Part 3

The church needs strong leaders to rise up and work together. In the final episode of this three-part series, Dr. Iorg continues his discussion on developing leaders in your ministry.
Lead On Podcast
January 7, 2018

Developing Leaders Part 2

Every leader is temporary. Dr. Iorg reevaluates leadership as a form of stewardship and offers practical steps pastors can take to build leaders within the church community.
Lead On Podcast
December 30, 2017

Developing Leaders Part 1

Every ministry needs more leaders. Where do they come from? How do you cultivate leaders within your ministry? Dr. Iorg provides a fresh perspective on where we should look for future leaders and how we are to develop them into future leaders of our...
Lead On Podcast
December 25, 2017

Christmas is over: Now what?

What happened in the life of Jesus after the day of his birth? What does that mean for us?
Lead On Podcast
December 16, 2017

Ministry Finance Part 3: God’s provision through offerings

How does God finance his work? How we are to corporate with God in his work? In the final episode of Dr. Iorg's three part series on ministry finance, Dr. Iorg explores why christian ministries experience need.
Lead On Podcast
December 9, 2017

Ministry Finance Part 2: Developing stewards

In this second podcast of a three-part series on ministry finance, Dr. Iorg discusses how to develop disciples who honor Christ with their finances and resources.
Lead On Podcast
December 2, 2017

Ministry Finance Part 1: Modeling Stewardship

Dr. Iorg begins a three part series on ministry finance. The first step to help others become faithful stewards of their money is to model financial stewardship yourself.