Conceptions and Misconceptions in Studying the Gospels

Dr. Dan Gurtner takes on challenging passages and common misconceptions in the Gospels.
Conceptions and Misconceptions in Studying the Gospels
December 17, 2023

The Lord’s Prayer

In the final episode of Conceptions and Misconceptions, Dr. Gurtner and Tyler continue the conversation on textual criticism. They talk about the differences in the Lord's Prayer found in Matthew 6:13 between the ESV and the King James version. The recitation of this

Conceptions and Misconceptions in Studying the Gospels
December 17, 2023

Mark’s Longer Ending – Textual Criticism

In this episode, Dr. Gurtner and Tyler tackle Mark chapter 16. This passage ends in a strange way that has confused scholars for a very long time. Does the longer ending of Mark belong in our Bibles? What are we supposed to do with that information? Dr. Gurtner explai

Conceptions and Misconceptions in Studying the Gospels
December 10, 2023


Dr. Gurtner talks about the accounts of the Transfiguration that are found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke's Gospels. Did you know that 'transfigured' means looked different or transformed? Dr. Gurtner helps us unpack what is happening to Jesus in this passage and what the

Conceptions and Misconceptions in Studying the Gospels
December 3, 2023

Paralytic in Luke

In this episode, Dr. Gurtner and Tyler talk about the healing of a paralyzed man in Luke chapter 5. What is easier to say, your sins are forgiven or get up and walk? The Son of Man has the authority to do both. Take the time to slow down and read the Bible to really u

Conceptions and Misconceptions in Studying the Gospels
November 26, 2023

Peter’s Confession

The confession of Peter begins with the question; who is Jesus? This is the first time in Mark's Gospel that someone admits Jesus is the Christ. Jesus then defines who the Christ is and what He does. What does Peter's reaction and the context of this passage mean for

Conceptions and Misconceptions in Studying the Gospels
November 19, 2023

Purpose of the Parables

Dr. Gurtner and Tyler talk about the purpose of parables. Parables teach disciples about the kingdom of God, they call people to make a decision, and they are also a statement of judgement. Knowing the context of a parable can help you acquire a deeper understanding.<

Conceptions and Misconceptions in Studying the Gospels
November 12, 2023

The Rich Young Ruler in Matthew 19

Dr. Gurtner and Tyler discuss the rich young ruler in Matthew 19 and his willingness to pay the cost of following Christ. They look at the same story in the other Gospels.

Conceptions and Misconceptions in Studying the Gospels
November 5, 2023

Raising of Lazarus

Dr. Gurtner goes over the Raising of Lazarus in John 11. John often speaks with several levels of meaning; literal, spiritual, and symbolic. Here we see that sometimes we go through physical hardships for our spiritual and eternal wellbeing.

Conceptions and Misconceptions in Studying the Gospels
October 29, 2023

Calming of the Storm

In this episode, Dr. Gurtner and Tyler cover the Calming of the Storm in Matthew 8:23-27. Focus on the method Jesus uses to preform this miracle, in order to help us realize what this passage is trying to tell us; that Jesus is God. When we are reading the Gospels, w

Conceptions and Misconceptions in Studying the Gospels
October 22, 2023

Temptation of Jesus

In this episode, Dr. Gurtner and Tyler talk about the passages in Matthew and Luke in which Jesus is tempted by Satan. They discuss the different nuances and the big picture takeaway from that passage. Dr. Gurtner also shares how we can start to analyze these complica