Lead On Podcast
April 22, 2018

Leading Major Change in Your Ministry Part Four

Major change begins with direction from God. Dr. Iorg discusses four ways God guides leaders: his word, prayer, the Holy Spirit, and through a signal event.
Lead On Podcast
April 14, 2018

Leading Major Change in Your Ministry Part Three

It's not the changes that do you in, it's the transitions. Dr. Iorg discusses the difference between change and transition and how to lead followers through the difficult time of transition.
Lead On Podcast
April 7, 2018

Leading Major Change in Your Ministry Part Two

How do you know when major change is required? Dr. Iorg provides five diagnostic questions to help leaders know when it is time to initiate major chage.
Lead On Podcast
April 1, 2018

Leading Major Change in Your Ministry Part One

You cannot lead if you cannot inflict pain. The hard reality of leading major change involves diagnosing your situation, strategizing your future and taking the necessary steps to move your ministry forward.
Lead On Podcast
March 25, 2018

Power and Authority in Ministry Part Two

Dr. Iorg discusses the negative aspects related to these leadership tools. He finishes his discussion by offering a responsible outlook of a leader's use of power and authority.
Lead On Podcast
March 17, 2018

Power and Authority in Ministry Leadership Part One

What is the proper use of power and authority in ministry leadership? In this podcast Dr. Iorg discuss the biblical and theological basis for the appropriate use of power and authority.
Lead On Podcast
March 11, 2018

How to Handle Leadership Mistakes Part Two

In the second part of a series on mistakes in leadership, Dr. Iorg discusses different ways to respond to either a bad decision or a sinful choice.
Lead On Podcast
March 4, 2018

How to Handle Mistakes in Leadership Part One

Part One: Leaders make mistakes. Dr. Iorg defines three kinds of mistakes leaders make - bad decisions, sinful choices, and a combination of bad and sinful decisions - and discusses how a leader may resolve these mistakes.
Lead On Podcast
February 25, 2018

Integrity in Ministry Part Two

In the second episode of a two-part series on integrity, Dr. Iorg evaluates what it means for a leader to be accountable to Jesus and to be under the authority structure affirmed by Jesus as Lord.
Lead On Podcast
February 18, 2018

Integrity in Ministry Part One

What does it look like to live a life of integrity? In the first episode of a two-part series, Dr. Iorg defines integrity as the full integration of your beliefs, actions and speech, then examines the implications of applying this to your life.