Dr. Iorg discusses the simplicity of Bible interrpetation. We cannot let our disobedient hearts guide our interpretation.
The very faith that prompts the prayer, "God save the King," is the faith that realizes that though an earthly throne may be empty, the heavenly one is always full; the Lord omnipotent reigns eternally.
Dr. Paul Kelly provides a biblically informed theology of youth that gives youth ministers and pastors a deeper understanding of the common experience and divine purpose of teenage years. You can find an excerpt of his new publication here.
In A History of Evangelism in North America (edited by Thomas P. Johnson), Dr. Allan Karr contributes to this volume by writing on Dawson Trotman and his influence on the discipleship movement.
In this episode, Dr. Chris Chun and Dr. David Rathel unpack their views on infant baptism, their experiences as Southern Baptists, common myths and misconceptions of Baptist life, and more.
In A History of Evangelism in North America (edited by Thomas P. Johnson), Dr. Eddie Pate contributes to this volume by giving an account of D. James Kennedy and his evangelistic training of personal witnessing.