Truth is supposed to be defined as what is true—always, all the time, in every situation and context. Today, truth is a malleable concept—a Gumby-like collection of whatever a person perceives or wants to be factual or accurate. The phrase “my truth” best describes the modern understanding of truth—meaning whatever a person claims to be true for them, is truth.

This fallacy is expressing itself in all kinds of destructive ways in our culture. In the news this past week, it has been used to explain a range of actions from redefining gender to legitimizing racism to justifying attacks on political figures. In every case, perpetrators claim to be courageously acting on truth as they perceive it and using whatever means necessary to inform and/or enforce their position on others.

One of the goals of a seminary curriculum is pursuing truth. We start with truth as revealed in the Bible—timeless, proven, universal. We then pursue facts—not confused with truth—about contemporary problems and challenges, particularly as they relate to global ministry challenges. We work hard to set aside our biases and discover what is really happening in our world and how to respond by applying truthful solutions to factual problems.

While we do this weekly in our classrooms, for many years we have also hosted an annual conference to consider the intersection of truth and culture. This year, Intersect 2022, is considering how the Christian worldview is foundational to healthy functionality in our culture. We will also be considering how truth is perceived in other religious traditions and the impact this has on cultural decision-making. The conference will include plenary presentations, panel discussions, and breakout sessions.

While the pandemic has altered participation patterns for events like this, there is still something unique about coming together to connect with other leaders, learn new insights, and hear the interplay of ideas in healthy discussions of important topics. If you live in proximity to our Ontario, California Campus—we invite you to spend Thursday, November 3, with us at Intersect 2022.

You can check out the program details, speaker roster, detailed schedule and then register for the event here.

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A Love for Scripture

Damaris Scrima, MTS student, shares the importance of cultivating a love for God’s word.

Damaris Scrima
Student | MTS
Damaris Scrima holds a bachelor’s degree in Applied Theology from California Baptist University. She is currently pursuing a master’s in Theological Studies with a concentration in Biblical Studies at Gateway Seminary.

Excerpt — Another Move God?

Beth Runkle, Gateway alum, shares her reflections as a military wife and seeks to encourage other military wives in her new book Another Move, God?

Beth Runkle
Gateway MTS ’24
Author Beth Runkle has been married to her military man for twenty-five years. Faith in Christ dramatically transformed Beth from a bitter and reluctant military wife to one who embraced the community. Beth is called to encourage other women to intentionally pursue Christ in military life.


The Study Podcast
February 4, 2025

Exodus Chapters 19-40

Dr. Wegner and Tyler finish up the book of Exodus, covering chapters 19-40, mainly focusing on the covenant between God and His treasured possession, Israel.

The Bible Teaching Podcast
January 31, 2025

Bible Teaching Conference 2025

Several special guest join us and introduce their topics of teaching at the Bible Teaching Conference 2025: Gospel-Centered Teaching. If you are interested in any of these topics, below are the resources mentioned in this episode if you would like to engage further!


Jonathan Edwards and the Asbury Revival

Chris Chun and Chris Woznicki discuss the signs of true revival, signs of the work of the Holy Spirit, and why it is important to critically assess the characteristics of revival in a spirit of charity.

Chris Chun
Professor of Church History | Director, Jonathan Edwards Center
Dr. Chris Chun is the professor of Church History and the director of Jonathan Edwards Center at Gateway Seminary. Chris’ doctoral research at St. Andrews University was focused on the eighteenth-century Edwardsean Baptists in Britain. He also has served as president of The Evangelical Theological Society (Far West Region).

Jonathan Edwards and the Baptists | Douglas Sweeney, Nathan Finn and Chris Chun

Dr. Douglas Sweeney and Dr. Nathan Finn joined Dr. Chris Chun for a panel discussion on Jonathan Edwards, recorded live at the SBC Annual Meeting in Anaheim.

Chris Chun
Professor of Church History | Director, Jonathan Edwards Center
Dr. Chris Chun is the professor of Church History and the director of Jonathan Edwards Center at Gateway Seminary. Chris’ doctoral research at St. Andrews University was focused on the eighteenth-century Edwardsean Baptists in Britain. He also has served as president of The Evangelical Theological Society (Far West Region).

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