
Insights and strategies to accomplish the work of the kingdom from experienced ministry practitioners.

Connecting with Teenagers During the Coronavirus Lockdown

The transition to a completely online world due to the coronavirus lockdown can have ramifications for youth. Dr. Kelly provides reasons to stay connected to teenagers as much as possible.

Paul G. Kelly
Chair, Educational Leadership | Professor of Educational Leadership
Dr. Paul Kelly began his service at Gateway Seminary in Fall 2009 as the chair and professor of Educational Leadership. Prior to Gateway, Kelly served as vice president of ministry resources at Student Life Publishing, editor-in-chief of discipleship resources in Student Ministry Publishing at LifeWay Christian Resources, as well as a youth specialist in Discipleship at LifeWay.

Connecting Members to Members (and Beyond) in the COVID-19 Pandemic

In this third discussion of how education theory can inform ways to create a healthy community at a distance, Dr. Ferguson gives church leadership strategies on how they can facilitate member-to-member connection.

Kristen Ferguson
Director of Online Education | Associate Professor of Educational Leadership
Dr. Kristen Ferguson serves as the Director of Online Education and associate professor of educational leadership at Gateway Seminary. Her doctoral research at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary investigated evangelical faculty perceptions on online theological education. Her continued research focuses on online course design, blended learning, and online teaching best practices.

Connecting Members to Leaders In the COVID-19 Pandemic

In continuing the conversation on how education theory can inform ways to create a healthy community from a distance, Dr. Ferguson discusses ways church leadership can facilitate interaction and communication with members.

Kristen Ferguson
Director of Online Education | Associate Professor of Educational Leadership
Dr. Kristen Ferguson serves as the Director of Online Education and associate professor of educational leadership at Gateway Seminary. Her doctoral research at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary investigated evangelical faculty perceptions on online theological education. Her continued research focuses on online course design, blended learning, and online teaching best practices.

Connecting Members to Content in the COVID-19 Pandemic

During chaotic times such as the lockdowns, members will most likely have difficulties engaging with Bible reading and preaching. Dr. Ferguson provides a list of resources that can help churches connect their members to content despite distance and separation.

Kristen Ferguson
Director of Online Education | Associate Professor of Educational Leadership
Dr. Kristen Ferguson serves as the Director of Online Education and associate professor of educational leadership at Gateway Seminary. Her doctoral research at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary investigated evangelical faculty perceptions on online theological education. Her continued research focuses on online course design, blended learning, and online teaching best practices.

Caring for the Deaf Community during the Lockdown

Dr. Kelly's church serves about 75 to 80 members, which includes a sizable deaf community. He shares the action steps his church took in caring for and communicating with their deaf community during the coronavirus lockdown.

Paul G. Kelly
Chair, Educational Leadership | Professor of Educational Leadership
Dr. Paul Kelly began his service at Gateway Seminary in Fall 2009 as the chair and professor of Educational Leadership. Prior to Gateway, Kelly served as vice president of ministry resources at Student Life Publishing, editor-in-chief of discipleship resources in Student Ministry Publishing at LifeWay Christian Resources, as well as a youth specialist in Discipleship at LifeWay.

Online Education and Church during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The effective principles of online education can benefit the church moving to online services. Dr. Kristen Ferguson extrapolates a solution called "The Community of Inquiry" to the church's current challenges.

Kristen Ferguson
Director of Online Education | Associate Professor of Educational Leadership
Dr. Kristen Ferguson serves as the Director of Online Education and associate professor of educational leadership at Gateway Seminary. Her doctoral research at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary investigated evangelical faculty perceptions on online theological education. Her continued research focuses on online course design, blended learning, and online teaching best practices.

Teaching Young Parents

Teaching young parents is an exciting but challenging endeavor. Dr. Lum instructs bible teachers on how to approach teaching young parents.

Dr. Joni Lum serves as an adjunct professor of children's ministry at Gateway Seminary. She also currently serves as the Children's minister at Magnolia Church in Riverside, CA.

Pastoral Care in the Time of Coronavirus

Pastors and other ministry leaders expanded their strategies to care for members during the pandemic lockdown. Dr. Bradley commends these leaders for their flexibility, innovation, and commitment to pastoral care.

Mark Bradley
Director, Pacific Northwest Campus | Associate Professor of Leadership Formation
While serving as an associate professor of Leadership Formation, Dr. Mark Bradley is a Northwest native and first-generation Southern Baptist. He began his MDiv studies at the Pacific Northwest Campus the day after he was elected pastor of Beavercreek Baptist Church in Oregon, in 1981. He returned to Gateway as director of the PNWC in January 2010

Maximizing Prayer Time

Sometimes prayer during bible studies can consume almost all of the lesson time. Dr. Ferguson provides ways to create meaningful prayer while preserving ample time for the study of scripture.

Kristen Ferguson
Director of Online Education | Associate Professor of Educational Leadership
Dr. Kristen Ferguson serves as the Director of Online Education and associate professor of educational leadership at Gateway Seminary. Her doctoral research at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary investigated evangelical faculty perceptions on online theological education. Her continued research focuses on online course design, blended learning, and online teaching best practices.

When Your Group Members are Hurting

Bible teachers will inevitably run into group members dealing with immense grief. Dr. Kelly gives suggestions on how to approach hurting members.

Paul G. Kelly
Chair, Educational Leadership | Professor of Educational Leadership
Dr. Paul Kelly began his service at Gateway Seminary in Fall 2009 as the chair and professor of Educational Leadership. Prior to Gateway, Kelly served as vice president of ministry resources at Student Life Publishing, editor-in-chief of discipleship resources in Student Ministry Publishing at LifeWay Christian Resources, as well as a youth specialist in Discipleship at LifeWay.