
Engage in hermeneutics, dogmatics, church history, and theology to deepen your understanding of the Triune God.

Excerpt — The Complete Works of Andrew Fuller Volume 10: Apologetic Works

In Dr. Chris Chun's newest publication, he provides commentary for The Complete Works of Andrew Fuller Volume 10: Apologetic Works.

Chris Chun
Professor of Church History | Director, Jonathan Edwards Center
Dr. Chris Chun is the professor of Church History and the director of Jonathan Edwards Center at Gateway Seminary. Chris' doctoral research at St. Andrews University was focused on the eighteenth-century Edwardsean Baptists in Britain. He also has served as president of The Evangelical Theological Society (Far West Region).

Excerpt — Integrating Theology, Church, and Ministry in a Chinese Seminary

In Dr. Kevin Chen's new book Integrating Theology, Church, and Ministry in a Chinese Seminary, he and his coauthors explore how to integrate theology, ministry, and cultural awareness in seminary education, particularly within a Chinese diaspora context.

Kevin Chen
Professor of Old Testament

Theology the Norwegian Way: The Curious Case of Gisle Johnson

Gisle Johnson was a prolific scholar who made significant contributions to Norwegian theology. However, with barely any of his works translated into English, few today know about this maverick scholar. Dr. Robb Torseth hopes to change that.

Robb Torseth
Public Service Librarian & Adjunct Professor at Gateway Seminary

Excerpt – John Piper, Calvinism, and Missions: A Way Forward

Read this section of Dr. Hopkins' new book on the theology of John Piper.

Philip O. Hopkins
Associate Professor of Church History
Philip O. Hopkins is the associate professor of Church history at Gateway Seminary. He earned Ph.D. in applied theology from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and a second Ph.D. in Iranian history from the University of St. Andrews (Scotland). He is also a research fellow for the Institute of Iranian Studies at the University of St. Andrews, guest lecturer at Russian-Armenian University in Yerevan, Armenia, and part of the editorial board for Iran and the Caucasus (Brill).

Owning Up to the Failures of our Theological Heroes

What can be done when you discover the sins of historical figures who have shaped your theology?

Chris Woznicki
Affiliate Instructor in Theology at Fuller Seminary, JEC Research Fellow

Author’s Perspective: Andrew Fuller and the Search for a Faith Worthy of All Acceptation

Dr. David Rathel discusses his upcoming publication on Andrew Fuller.

David Rathel
Associate Professor of Christian Theology
Dr. Rathel is the associate professor of Chrisitian Theology at Gateway Seminary. Prior to Gateway, Dr. Rathel supplied pastoral care to churches in the United States and Scotland, served as an Adjunct Professor of Theology and Philosophy for the Baptist College of Florida, and provided teaching assistance for the University of St Andrews.

Excerpt – Revelation, Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament

Read this excerpt from Alex Stewart's new publication in the EGGNT series on Revelation.

Alexander Stewart
Vice President of Academic Services | Professor of New Testament Studies
Alex Stewart serves as vice president of academic services and professor of New Testament studies. Prior to Gateway, he served for eight years as a faculty member in New Testament at Tyndale Theological Seminary in the Netherlands.

Inheritance & Glory: Our Vocation 

For believers, while heaven may seem long away, our eternal inheritance is already available to us in the here and now.

Joshua Navarro
Student | Doctor of Philosophy
Joshua is a current Ph.D. candidate at Gateway Seminary studying New Testament studies. He also serves as a regional administrator for Send Network.

Who Were the Danbury Baptists?

The Baptist story is integral to the history of the United States.

Jonathan McCormick
Director of Library Services | Associate Professor of Theological Research
Dr. Jonathan McCormick’s dissertation examined the tradition of confessions of faith among Baptists in the United States through the 1925 Baptist Faith and Message.

John Webster and the Holiness of Preaching

For Webster, preaching and pastoral work is one of a profound vocation; a calling to emulate the God who preaches.

Robb Torseth
Public Service Librarian & Adjunct Professor at Gateway Seminary