Excerpt — The Complete Works of Andrew Fuller Volume 10: Apologetic Works
In Dr. Chris Chun's newest publication, he provides commentary for The Complete Works of Andrew Fuller Volume 10: Apologetic Works.
In Dr. Chris Chun's newest publication, he provides commentary for The Complete Works of Andrew Fuller Volume 10: Apologetic Works.
In Dr. Kevin Chen's new book Integrating Theology, Church, and Ministry in a Chinese Seminary, he and his coauthors explore how to integrate theology, ministry, and cultural awareness in seminary education, particularly within a Chinese diaspora context.
Gisle Johnson was a prolific scholar who made significant contributions to Norwegian theology. However, with barely any of his works translated into English, few today know about this maverick scholar. Dr. Robb Torseth hopes to change that.
Read this section of Dr. Hopkins' new book on the theology of John Piper.
What can be done when you discover the sins of historical figures who have shaped your theology?
Dr. David Rathel discusses his upcoming publication on Andrew Fuller.
Read this excerpt from Alex Stewart's new publication in the EGGNT series on Revelation.
For believers, while heaven may seem long away, our eternal inheritance is already available to us in the here and now.
The Baptist story is integral to the history of the United States.
For Webster, preaching and pastoral work is one of a profound vocation; a calling to emulate the God who preaches.