Dr. Rathel is the associate professor of Chrisitian Theology at Gateway Seminary. He authored Baptists and the Emerging Church Movement (2014) and has written chapters in The Miscellanies Companion (2018) and Baptists, Gospel, and Culture (forthcoming). Additionally, he has contributed to the Journal of Reformed Theology and Baptist Quarterly and has additional articles under review with other publications. He has preached in numerous churches and delivered conference papers at the University of Cambridge, the University of St Andrews, the University of Edinburgh, and the Edinburgh Dogmatics Conference. Dr. Rathel co-chairs the Evangelicalism in the Long Eighteenth Century Consultation for the Evangelical Theological Society. He is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Prior to coming to Gateway Seminary, Dr. Rathel supplied pastoral care to churches in the United States and Scotland, served as an Adjunct Professor of Theology and Philosophy for the Baptist College of Florida, and provided teaching assistance for the University of St Andrews. Leadership of the St Mary’s College Academic Skills Project afforded him the opportunity to develop a skills-focused curriculum for first-year theology students. Participation in the University of St Andrews Enhancement Theme Committee allowed him to collaborate with accrediting agencies and learn valuable pedagogical skills.