This week on The Study Podcast, Paul Wegner and host Tyler Sanders continue hopping around the palistrophe in Isaiah 5-12. First, they talk about what an uplifted hand oracle is (hint: it is about punishment), where they are (Isaiah 5:24-30 and 9:8-10:4), and what they mean for Israel.
Then they get to the Isaianic Memoir (6:1-9:7), and focus on what is probably the most familiar passage in the book: Isaiah's commission. Listen in as they discuss important details in this passage: forgiveness of sins, the difficulty of Isaiah's task, and the remnant that will return after God's punishment of Israel.
The uplifted hand oracles make up C and C1 of the palistrophe structure in Isaiah 5-12 below. Isaiah's calling is the first part of the Isaianic memoir.
Palistrophe Structure of Isaiah 5-12
A. Song of the Vineyard (Is 5:1-7)
B. Six Woe Oracles (Is 5:8-23)
C. Uplifted Hands Oracle (Is 5:24-30)
Isaianic Memoir (Is 6:1-9:7)
C1. Four Uplifted Hand Oracles (Is 9:8-10:4)
B1. Woe Oracle (Is 10:5-11:16)
A1. Song of Thanksgiving (Is 12:1-6)