The Study Podcast

The Study Podcast is an in-depth look at the Bible with Dr. Paul Wegner and Dr. Alex Stewart.
The Study Podcast
November 7, 2022

Final Judgement and Restoration – Isaiah 34-35

On this episode, Paul Wegner talks about the final judgment and restoration; destruction and hope for the future.
The Study Podcast
October 31, 2022

The Little Apocalypse – Isaiah 24-33

This week, Dr. Paul Wegner covers the Little Apocalypse in Isaiah 24-27, in which not only God's people are going to be punished, but the whole world. They also cover oracles of judgment and restoration in chapters 28-33!
The Study Podcast
October 24, 2022

Oracles Against the Nations – Isaiah 13-23

On this episode of The Study Podcast, Paul Wegner discusses Israel’s impending punishment though the nations surrounding it.
The Study Podcast
October 20, 2022

Bonus – Isaiah 9b-12 Recap

A bonus episode? In this economy?
The Study Podcast
October 17, 2022

An Undeniable Message from God – Isaiah 8-9a

Listen to The Study Podcast with Paul Wegner and Tyler Sanders to learn more about Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz and to finish up the palistrophe of Isaiah 5-12!
The Study Podcast
October 10, 2022

War Between Nations – Isaiah 7

The Syro-Ephraimite War is a major topic in this episode of The Study Podcast and it leads to an important question: Are there two virgin births in the Bible?
The Study Podcast
October 3, 2022

Uplifted Hand Oracles and Isaiah’s Commission – Isaiah 5b-6 & 9-10a

This week on The Study Podcast, Paul Wegner and host Tyler Sanders continue hopping around the palistrophe in Isaiah 5-12. First, they cover the uplifted hand oracles and then Isaiah's commission.
The Study Podcast
September 26, 2022

Woes on Israel – Isaiah 5 & 10-12

This week on The Study Podcast, Dr. Paul Wegner and host Tyler Sanders jump from the beginning to the end of a major palistrophe to talk about the Song of the Vineyard, the Song of Thanksgiving and the woe oracles.
The Study Podcast
September 19, 2022

Future Peace in Israel – Isaiah 2-4

Dr. Wegner and host Tyler Sanders discuss Isaiah 2-4, in which the people of Israel rebel and God continues to call them to obedience.
The Study Podcast
September 12, 2022

Rebellion and Obedience – Isaiah 1

Dr. Paul Wegner presents the theme of Isaiah - Will Israel ever obey? - and gets into the first chapter of the text!