In most cases, blog and article excerpts can be reposted on a website or published in print media with permission. Additionally, we ask you to either publish pieces in their entirety or by using unaltered excerpts, not to charge fees for access to the content, and to include a back-link to the original resource on The Gateway. Please contact us if you are interested in one of our pieces.
You may play any video or audio content from The Gateway for any size gathering as long as no fees are collected from watchers/listeners. Videos or podcasts may be embedded in your website as long as back-links are included to the original location on The Gateway or one of Gateway Seminary’s official accounts on a video or podcast platform. You may not upload video or audio content from The Gateway to your own YouTube or Vimeo account without permission.
If you represent a media organization and are interested in the use of our resources in a different capacity not listed above, please contact us.