Seminary professors are thought, leaders. At Gateway, our faculty are busy producing classroom lectures, academic lectures, popular articles, formal papers, and books – all attempts to contribute to evangelical scholarship. Most of our faculty are members of the Evangelical Theological Society, the professional organization for evangelical scholars. Several of our faculty made presentations at their recent annual meeting, another example of scholarship in action.
Our former Vice President for Academic Services, Dr. Michael Martin, would often describe a formal faculty presentation on campus as an example of “loving God with your mind” – drawing from Jesus’ announcement that the greatest commandment is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength” (Mk. 12:30).
Loving God with your mind is an expression of Christian worship and service. It’s one way of using your gifts, in response to God and acknowledgment of him as their Source, to honor God and better humankind. Loving God with your mind is just as important as loving him with your heart, soul, and strength. Our faculty models this, but you can do it too. You love God with your mind when you use your intellectual gifts, sharpen your thinking through study and reflection, and pursue truth as a lifelong pursuit.
To help you do this, Gateway is launching a new portal of intellectual discovery in January 2022. You will be able to access it at early in 2022. Bookmark that address now! This portal will be an exclusive source of shared intellectual production by Gateway seminary faculty, staff, and students. It will feature papers, podcasts, videos, and other media to stimulate your thinking about a wide variety of issues and disciplines. Best of all—it will be free! Thank God he has gifted some men and women to be thought leaders! We also thank him we have the resources to make their ideas available to a much wider audience. Plan to ramp up our intellectual inquiry in 2022, loving God with your mind in fresh, invigorating ways by regular visits to